Golf in Mumbai..

Getting an opportunity to play in Mumbai was always going to be special, so Sunil called in a favour to get a member to sign me in at the Bombay Presidency Golf Club.  I had two options, play with low HC golfers over the weekend, or higher HC folks during the week.  Needless, to say jumped for the first available opportunity. Less than 24 hrs after landing in Mumbai, I was changing into my golf shoes at BPGC.  !!  I rented some clubs, and had no clue how good these would be.  I was grouped with Shailesh, Kalpesh and Arpita – all playing off 24. Shailesh & I teamed up against the husband-wife for a bet of ‘toast-butter’.  My caddie for the day was Balu – who has a HC of 4.  Needless to say, playing with a caddie is a new experience. Continue reading